Inventory reptile and amphibian species present at Minute Man National Historical Park (MIMA), Morristown National Historical Park (MORR) and Saugus Iron Works National Historic Site (SAIR)

Minute Man National Historical Park (MIMA), Morristown National Historical Park (MORR) and Saugus Iron Works National Historic Site (SAIR) need an inventory of reptile and amphibian species of interest to document current reptile and amphibian population status within the parks. This inventory is needed to inform invasive species management, restoration/dredging and trail maintenance management actions at the parks.  Rare species have been noted in two of the parks (MIMA and MORR).

Funding Source: National Park Service

Funding Amount: $190,000

Deadline: September 6, 2024

For more information see the RSOI

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