Vegetation Management for Natural Resources Branch, Fort Drum, NY

Statements of Interest requested to provide the necessary personnel, vehicles, equipment, and materials required to conduct vegetation management for undesirable species for the Fort Drum Natural Resources Branch/Environmental Division located at Fort Drum, NY. The scope of this agreement includes supporting the Fort Drum program manager (PM) by providing technical support for execution of the Installations current invasive species management program effort that includes floral identification and surveys; managing primarily invasive and noxious plant species including with the use of herbicides; and developing, testing and analyzing the effectiveness of treatment options. This work requires onsite support personnel located at Fort Drum, NY.

Award Amount: $234,154 for base year (twelve months from award date). Additional funding may be available to the successful recipient for optional tasks and/or follow on work in subsequent years.

Statements of Interest Due: 2:00 P.M., Central Time, on 30 January 2025

Preparation of your Statement of Interest:

Provide the following (Maximum length: 2 pages, single-spaced, 12 pt. font):
1. Name, Organization, CAGE Code, Unique Entity ID, CESU Region, and Contac Information (Email)
2. Brief Statement of Qualifications (including): a. Biographical sketch of the Principal Investigator, to include specific experience and capabilities in areas related to this project’s requirements; b. Relevant past projects and clients with brief descriptions of these projects; c. Staff, faculty or students available to work on this project and their areas of expertise; d. Brief description of other capabilities to successfully complete the project: (e.g. equipment, laboratory facilities, greenhouse facilities, field facilities, etc.).

Submit Statement of Interest to:

Sandy Justman
Grants Specialist, USACE, Fort Worth District

Chanley Jenkins
Project Manager, USACE, Fort Worth District
Office: 918-671-9132

Find more information in the attached RSOI.

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