Avian Utilization of Mojave National Preserve to Map Important Bird Habitats

The National Park Service (NPS) is requesting proposals from partners of the Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Units (CESU) Network to synthesize, analyze and summarize multiple files, sources of literature, agency records, university records and other NGO records on the distribution and abundance of birds in Mojave National Preserve to assist in the development of fire management plan revisions.

Award Ceiling: $57,000
Closing Date for Applications: 11:59pm PT, March 15, 2023
For More Information: See the listing on Grants.gov

Inventory of Bats at Minute Man National Historical Park to Inform Building Management, Visitor Use Planning and Potential Consultation

Minute Man National Historical Park (MIMA) needs an inventory of bats to determine presence in areas of proposed building demolition and hazard tree management along trail corridors. An understanding of bat occupancy in these areas will allow proactive planning and appropriate timing of management actions.

Funding Source: National Park Service
Project Timeframe: Deadline for responding to this request for LOI is January 24, 2024. Funds will be obligated in winter 2024, with work starting by April 2024. The anticipated completion date for the project is September 30, 2025.
Funds Available: Project funds available are approximately $50,000; this includes the CESU overhead rate of 17.5%. The project will be funded by the National Park Service Inventory Program within the NPS Inventory and Monitoring Division.

For more information see the Request for Letters of Research Interest

Testing and Validation of Standard Reference Solutions

The USGS Water Mission Area (WMA) Next Generation Water Observing System (NGWOS), is offering a funding opportunity to a CESU partner for a laboratory evaluation of a multi-parameter standard solution for water-quality analysis. The standard solution, recently patented by the USGS (US 11,768,160), is a combination of a xanthene dye, distyryl biphenyl (DSBP) and a pH buffer that is intended as a quick, easy, and stable standard solution for the verification and/or calibration of field sensor performance. The standard solution can be used to calibration several field sensors at once including sensors for fluorescent dissolved organic matter (fDOM, e.g. excitation at 350 nm and emission at 450 nm) and chlorophyll-a fluorescence (excitation at 465 nm and emission at 665 nm).

Research Objectives and Tasks: The objective of this funding opportunity is to test a standard solution for chemical stability of time and a range of temperatures. There are two primary tasks:
Task 1 Determine the chemical stability of a standard solution provided by the USGS over a period of 90+ days with testing at intervals of at least weekly for relevant chemical properties;
Task 2 Determine the chemical stability of a standard solution provided by the USGS over a range of temperatures from 0 to 30 degrees Celsius;
Task 3 Determine the chemical stability of a standard solution provided by the USGS as influenced by physical agitation such as stirring and shaking.

Funding Source: USGS
Current Closing Date for Applications: Dec 13, 2023 Electronically submitted applications must be submitted no later than 5:00 p.m., ET, on the listed application due date.

For more information see the posting on the Grants.gov website

Natural Resource Condition Assessment for Katahdin Woods and Waters National Monument

This project will provide the National Park Service (NPS) with a Natural Resource Condition Assessment (NRCA) of Katahdin Woods and Waters National Monument (KAWW; Attachment 1). NRCAs rely on existing data and expertise from a variety of NPS and non-NPS sources to provide a snapshot-in-time evaluation of resource conditions for a subset of important park natural resources and indicators. As with all other NPS NRCAs, the current project will be multidisciplinary (ecological) in scope, employ hierarchical indicator frameworks, identify or develop logical reference conditions/values to compare current condition data against, emphasize spatial evaluation of conditions and geospatial map products, summarize key findings at the park or park area (e.g., watershed boundary) levels, and follow national NRCA guidelines and standards for study design and reporting products.

Funding Source: National Park Service
Deadline: The deadline for responding to this request for LOI is January 19, 2024
Funds Available: $50,000 – $75,000
For more information see the Request for Letters of Interest

Deer Population Estimation for Northeastern National Parks

The northeast region of the National Park Service (NPS) has proposed an ambitious effort to improve forest resilience and prepare for the effects of climate change by addressing forest regeneration debt (Miller et al. 2023) in 17 northeastern and mid-Atlantic parks. If funded through the Inflation Reduction Act, this initiative will include environmental assessments and implementation of management action to increase tree regeneration in park forests. An important component of the effort will be evaluating current park-level efforts to estimate deer population size and developing a consistent regional approach for long-term deer monitoring.

Funding Source: National Park Service
Funds Available: $250,000
Deadline: December 29, 2023

For more information: See the full request for letters of interest.

National Park Service Opportunities

The National Park Service through an agreement with the National Conference of State Historic Preservation Officers (NCSHPO) is seeking qualified individuals, firms, and/or universities to develop tools, methodologies, guidance, and other materials related to three specific projects listed below. All proposals are due September 14, and additional information is available at NCSHPO website. The opportunities are open to, but not limited to CESU members.

Projects include:

  • Inventory and Monitoring Cultural Resources Impacted by Climate Change
  • Cultural Resources Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment Protocols
  • Climate Change Adaptation Strategies for Cultural Resources

Contact information for questions is provided in each RFP.

Archeology Planning, Survey, Evaluations, Reporting and Education, Fort Drum

Purpose: The Fort Drum environmental program ensures military mission activities are conducted in compliance with all applicable environmental laws, regulations and policies. Article I B of the master agreement states the objectives of the CESU are to: provide research, technical assistance and education to federal land management, environmental and research agencies and their potential partners; develop a program of research, technical assistance and education that involves the biological, physical, social sciences needed to address resource issues and interdisciplinary problem-solving at multiple scales and in an ecosystem context at the local, regional, and national level; and place special emphasis on the working collaboration among federal agencies and universities and their related partner institutions. This work requires onsite support at Fort Drum, New York. The work shall involve: planning and implementation for archaeological survey; archaeological site evaluation; recommendations for archaeological site stewardship; analysis of finds; cataloguing and curation of cultural material; data management; monitoring of ground disturbing activities; support for outreach and education; and synthesis and reporting of the results of the survey.

Funding Source: Department of the Army

Deadline: Statements of Interest are due by 5:00 P.M., Central Time, on 21 August 2023.

For more information see the Request for Statements of Interest