Collecting Fisheries Ecological Knowledge (FEK) for Use in Gulf of Maine Offshore Wind

Project: Fisher’s Ecological Knowledge (FEK) provides a rich and untapped source of information that can be used to inform BOEM’s decisions regarding offshore wind; however, FEK has been vastly underutilized. The objective of this study is to collect FEK to improve BOEM’s understanding of the use of the Gulf of Maine for fishing and the importance of fishing to the regional economy. BOEM will partner with the Responsible Offshore Science Alliance, and potentially with other interested organizations, to conduct this study.This study will identify local fishing communities willing to provide FEK and conduct interviews and workshops to collect the information. Importantly, the study will establish and execute clear methods for documenting, validating, and analyzing FEK. Collected data will be synthesized in an acceptable format (i.e., GIS and report documentation) to ensure the information can be incorporated into planning and resource management decisions.Additional planned tasks to be completed as part of the study include participatory mapping of fishing grounds, providing user guidance on spatial data tools like Marine Cadastre and the regional ocean portals, and providing regular updates to fishers regarding the spatial planning process and data needs in the Gulf of Maine. This effort must consider data confidentiality to ensure that fishing community information collected for this study are not misused. Such measures will be very important to instill confidence among fishers to accurately collect FEK.

Funding Source: Bureau of Ocean Energy Management

Funding Amount: $350,000 – $400,000

Deadline for Response: August 10, 2024

Additional Information: Eligible institutions are limited to state academic institutions and nonprofit organizations adjacent to current project areas along the U.S. Atlantic coast from Maine to Massachusetts. For complete information, see posting on

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