Inventory of Bats at Minute Man National Historical Park to Inform Building Management, Visitor Use Planning and Potential Consultation

Minute Man National Historical Park (MIMA) needs an inventory of bats to determine presence in areas of proposed building demolition and hazard tree management along trail corridors. An understanding of bat occupancy in these areas will allow proactive planning and appropriate timing of management actions.

Funding Source: National Park Service
Project Timeframe: Deadline for responding to this request for LOI is January 24, 2024. Funds will be obligated in winter 2024, with work starting by April 2024. The anticipated completion date for the project is September 30, 2025.
Funds Available: Project funds available are approximately $50,000; this includes the CESU overhead rate of 17.5%. The project will be funded by the National Park Service Inventory Program within the NPS Inventory and Monitoring Division.

For more information see the Request for Letters of Research Interest

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