Marine Species Density Data Gap Assessments and Update for the AFTT Study Area

Responses to this Request for Statements of Interest will be used to identify potential investigators for a project to be funded by the United States (U.S.) Department of the Navy (DoN) Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command Atlantic (NAVFAC LANT). NAVFAC LANT seeks to develop updated spatially explicit, density data layers1 for marine mammals that occur throughout the Navy’s Atlantic Fleet Training and Testing (AFTT) Study Sea. The authority for this Cooperative Agreement is 16 USC §670c-1 (Sikes Act).

Funding Source: U.S. Department of Defense
Deadline: July 11, 2024
For more information see the RSOI and the Project Description

Additional information provided on July 1:
We’ve been asked to provide you with the following responses regarding some questions about this RSOI. Please distribute it to the people you circulated this RSOI to. Note in particular the increased page limit.

Question: Would you please clarify the page limit for us? Does the 7-page limit include the cover page, the statement of credentials, and the cost estimate (budget justification), or does it only apply to the statement of work?

Answer: A cover page is not required. The submission should include the 5 items listed under “Materials Requested for Statement of Interest/Qualifications.” We have re-evaluated the page limit and have increased the maximum page limit to 25.

Question: I could also use your guidance on the request for a statement of safety practices/procedures. Our proposal is a desktop data analysis project, and involves no field work.

Answer: Please provide a statement of the safety practices/procedures used – if there are no safety practices/procedures, please briefly explain why the project didn’t have safety practices/procedures.

The potential base and option year funding ranges are:

  • Base year = range: $295,705 – $361,417
  • Option Year 1 = range: $291,420 – $356,180
  • Option Year 2 = range: $367,799 – $449,533
  • Option Year 3 = range: $362,546 – $443,112
  • Option Year 4 = range: $555,531 – $678,983
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