Model Intercomparison and Improvement for Carbon Sequestration and Greenhouse Gas Emission Estimation from Agriculture

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is announcing this funding opportunity for a cooperative agreement to support the coordination, implementation, and management of model intercomparison studies in agricultural systems. The model intercomparison study supports the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Quantification efforts. The IRA GHG Quantification work for agriculture is a collaboration among several USDA agencies. This study will be supported through the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS). The purpose of the cooperative model intercomparison study is to assess and advance the state of science for carbon (C) sequestration and GHG emission modeling for agriculture. Soil C sequestration and GHG emissions in cropland and grassland systems and their interactions with different climate-smart mitigation practices will be the focus of the study. This award will support the coordination unit (awardee) and provide the funding for subawards to model groups. Participating models for the study will be identified by the coordination unit through communications or meetings with different model groups in conjunction with USDA and NRCS priorities and the scope of intercomparison work and subject to the funding allocation. The model intercomparison study will build on existing efforts or initiate a new effort and be designed and implemented through coordination involving all participating model groups. Data sets including field measurements and model input-output will be compiled, stored, and managed for easy access to facilitate model intercomparison activities.    

Funding Source: Natural Resources Conservation Service

Funding Amount: $1,900,000

Deadline: October 4, 2024

For more information see the grant opportunity on Grants.Gov.

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