The Wildlife Management Institute (WMI), founded in 1911, is a non-profit scientific and educational organization dedicated to the restoration, sound management and wise use of natural resources in North America. WMI’s staff consists of highly trained and experienced wildlife biologists and natural resource management professionals. In fulfilling its mission, WMI collaborates with stakeholders to leverage its influence; uses sound science to approach conservation; advocates for hunting as a legitimate recreational pursuit and a crucial tool in managing wildlife populations; and works with federal, state, and provincial agencies, private organizations, academic institutions, businesses, and interested individuals to reach our strategic goals. (Photography by Joshua Blouin)
The Wildlife Management Institute offers the following areas of expertise.
- New England Cottontail Restoration
- Saltmarsh Sparrow Habitat Initiative
- American Woodcock Conservation Initiative
- Young Forest Habitat Initiative
- Northeast Regional Conservation Needs
- USFWS Science Applications
- Chronic Wasting Disease Research
- White-Nose Syndrome Research
- North American Wildlife And Natural Resources Conference