Lead Principal Investigator: James-Pirri, Mary-Jane
Partner Institution: University of Rhode Island
Federal Agency: National Park Service
Project Discipline: Natural Resources
Start Year: 2001
End Year: 2004
Products Associated with this Project:
- Wozniak, A. 2004. Monitoring salt marsh restoration by evaluating trophic relationships : a multiple stable isotope approach. Master’s Thesis. Graduate School of Oceanography, University of Rhode, Narragansett, RI. (Thesis)
- Wozniak, A., C. Roman, M.-J. James-Pirri, S. Wainright, R. McKinney. Detecting changes in organic matter flow on tide-restored salt marshes: A stable isotope approach. New England Estuarine Research Society Meeting, Block Island, RI. October 20-23, 2004. (Presentation(s))
- Wozniak, A., C. Roman, S. Wainwright, R. McKinney, M.-J. James-Pirri. 2006. Monitoring food web changes with tidal restoration of salt marshes: a carbon stable isotope approach. Estuaries and Coasts 29:568-578. (Publication)
- Wozniak, A., M.-J. James-Pirri , C. Roman, S. Wainright, R. McKinney. Monitoring the success of a salt marsh restoration by evaluating trophic relationships: A multiple stable isotope approach. Estuarine Research Federation, Seattle, WA. September 14-18, 2003. (Presentation(s))