Strategic Plan (2024 – 2029)

USFWS Biologist studying shore birds at Nantucket National Wildlife Refuge (MA). Image Credit: USFWS/Ryan Hagerty

Strategic Goals and Actions

Facilitate Excellence in Research and Technical Assistance

  • Identify emerging research and technical assistance needs and distribute funding opportunities
  • Respond to agency requests in a timely manner
  • Host federal agency NAC CESU affiliated staff and provide access to URI campus facilities, office space, and educational and training opportunities. 

Facilitate Student Education and Career Enhancement

  • Promote the inclusion of student internships and assistantships in research collaborations and highlight student activities and achievements on the NAC CESU website and social media
  • Encourage faculty to engage in NAC CESU related activities sponsored by Federal Agencies, with a focus on  research and outreach opportunities for early-career faculty 

Foster Effective Information Exchange, Outreach, and Communication

  • Grow and utilize the Experts Database
  • Highlight NAC CESU projects via agency public outreach materials, social media, blogs, and presentations
  • Coordinate meetings between CESU partners on priority topics that may lead to new collaborative opportunities.

Facilitate Inclusion, Collaboration, and Active Involvement of Current and Emerging Partners

  • Convene annual partners meetings and participate in National CESU Network meetings
  • Participate in and contribute to the National CESU Directors Network
  • Maintain an Executive Committee made up of the Director, Administrative Coordinator, and NPS Research Coordinator
  • Encourage partners to meet their involvement and administrative responsibilities 
  • Provide opportunities for partners to share their notable project findings, accomplishments, and lessons learned
  • Support the application process for potential new federal and non-federal partners

Make the NAC CESU an operationally effective and publicly visible partnership

  • Provide basic administrative and clerical support to effectively run the NAC CESU
  • Keep the NAC CESU website up to date, posting funding opportunities, project updates, etc.
  • Maintain the NAC CESU Projects Database
USGS scientist monitors marsh elevation change and sea level rise, Fire Island, NY. Image Credit: NPS/C. Roman

Key Performance Indicators

  • # of RFPs distributed
  • # of awards to non-federal partners
  • # of non-federal partners with awards
  • # of federal partners making awards
  • # of students engaged in NAC-CESU projects
  • # of NAC-CESU profiles in Experts Database
  • # of projects in Projects Database
  • % of projects up-to-date in Projects Database
  • # of posts on the NAC-CESU web site highlighting projects
  • # of social media posts highlighting the CESU
  • # of federal and non-federal partners

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