USFWS Biologist studying shore birds at Nantucket National Wildlife Refuge (MA). Image Credit: USFWS/Ryan Hagerty
Strategic Goals and Actions
Facilitate Excellence in Research and Technical Assistance
Identify emerging research and technical assistance needs and distribute funding opportunities
Respond to agency requests in a timely manner
Host federal agency NAC CESU affiliated staff and provide access to URI campus facilities, office space, and educational and training opportunities.
Facilitate Student Education and Career Enhancement
Promote the inclusion of student internships and assistantships in research collaborations and highlight student activities and achievements on the NAC CESU website and social media
Encourage faculty to engage in NAC CESU related activities sponsored by Federal Agencies, with a focus on research and outreach opportunities for early-career faculty
Foster Effective Information Exchange, Outreach, and Communication
Grow and utilize the Experts Database
Highlight NAC CESU projects via agency public outreach materials, social media, blogs, and presentations
Coordinate meetings between CESU partners on priority topics that may lead to new collaborative opportunities.
Facilitate Inclusion, Collaboration, and Active Involvement of Current and Emerging Partners
Convene annual partners meetings and participate in National CESU Network meetings
Participate in and contribute to the National CESU Directors Network
Maintain an Executive Committee made up of the Director, Administrative Coordinator, and NPS Research Coordinator
Encourage partners to meet their involvement and administrative responsibilities
Provide opportunities for partners to share their notable project findings, accomplishments, and lessons learned
Support the application process for potential new federal and non-federal partners
Make the NAC CESU an operationally effective and publicly visible partnership
Provide basic administrative and clerical support to effectively run the NAC CESU
Keep the NAC CESU website up to date, posting funding opportunities, project updates, etc.
Maintain the NAC CESU Projects Database
USGS scientist monitors marsh elevation change and sea level rise, Fire Island, NY. Image Credit: NPS/C. Roman
Key Performance Indicators
# of RFPs distributed
# of awards to non-federal partners
# of non-federal partners with awards
# of federal partners making awards
# of students engaged in NAC-CESU projects
# of NAC-CESU profiles in Experts Database
# of projects in Projects Database
% of projects up-to-date in Projects Database
# of posts on the NAC-CESU web site highlighting projects