White-nose Syndrome Research for Conservation Grants – 2024

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) makes funding available for research and conservation action to support the management of white-nose syndrome (WNS) and susceptible bat species. The Service leads the coordinated National Response to WNS and provides financial and technical assistance to nongovernmental, university, and private researchers, as well as state and local governments, Native American tribes, and federal agencies to support management of WNS and conservation of bats. Projects receiving WNS Research for Conservation Grants will investigate priority questions to improve our collective ability to manage the disease and conduct actions that conserve affected bat species.

Deadline: Dec 15, 2024, 11:59PM ET
For more information see the listing on Grants.gov
This grant requires a 30% match, that could be at least partially met through the reduced CESU indirect cost rate.

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