Funding and Other Opportunities

See the Proposal Procedures page for information about the Federal Agency Proposal Procedures.

See each RFP/RSOI for the person to contact with questions about that RFP/RSOI.

  • Assistant or Associate Research Scientist at UMCES

    The University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science (UMCES) is seeking a Coordinator for the Chesapeake Global Collaboratory (CGC), who will be the point-of-contact for the Collaboratory throughout UMCES, and for external interactions with other University System of Maryland universities, government and nongovernmental groups, and other stakeholders.

    The coordinator will provide scientific coordination for the CGC and also be responsible for the operations of CGC related to providing scientific support services to faculty. Scientific coordination includes: (1) organizing CGC activities (e.g., training, workshops, newsletter) to maximize the impact and efficiency of the CGC, (2) assisting in team building for specific projects that use the CGC, (3) assisting and, as appropriate, leading proposal preparations (Federal, state, foundations) that involve the CGC, and (4) participate in activities raising awareness within UMCES and to outside organizations about the services offered by the CGC. There will also be opportunities for the coordinator to engage in active research as part of CGC projects. Overseeing operations includes working as part of a team on scheduling, project management, and logistics of CGC activities and ensuring smooth and responsive daily operations of the CGC scientific enterprise. The coordinator will work closely with the CGC advisory committees, faculty, and UMCES administration. The coordinator will work with the personnel responsible for the new building but will not be responsible for the operations or personnel of the building.

    Specific responsibilities include:

    • Managing CGC projects
    • Supporting Faculty Steering Committee and External Advisory groups
    • Coordinating the convening summits, workshops, and meetings
    • Preparing CGC communications for UMCES and external audiences
    • Representing the CGC at meetings
    • Participating in proposals that involve CGC activities

    FTE: 1.00
    Unit: Center Administration
    Location: Annapolis, MD
    Job Category Status: Faculty

    FLSA: Exempt
    Salary Range: $75,000 – $110,000

    For more information or to apply, visit:

Past Funding and Other Opportunities

  • Nickerson Fellowship at Cape Cod National Seashore

    The Joshua A. Nickerson Conservation Fellowship, offered in partnership by Cape Cod National Seashore Advisory Commission, Atlantic Research & Learning Center, and Friends of the Cape Cod National Seashore, has provided support to qualified individuals since 1992. At least one fellowship is awarded each year to individuals whose work will contribute to our knowledge of natural and cultural resources within Cape Cod National Seashore, and of the relationships of these resources to the local communities in which they are found.

    Proposals may be submitted for research in the broad areas of the natural and social sciences. Topics of interest include terrestrial and aquatic ecosystem processes, biotic and abiotic ecosystem components, cultural and natural resource management, and the political and social implications of resource protection and management.

    Funding Source: National Park Service

    Funding Amount: Varies, may include park housing during field work, and limited lab and field equipment may be available

    Deadline: March 28, 2025

    For more information see the announcement

  • Population Viability Analysis for Feral Horse Management Scenarios at Theodore Roosevelt National Park

    NPS wishes to conduct a Population Viability Analysis (PVA) that considers horse herd genetics, management scenarios, population objectives, and biological factors, to ensure that management actions minimize the ecological effects of the herd on the natural ecology of the park while satisfying concerns regarding genetic diversity of the horse herd. We anticipate that this PVA will evaluate demographic and genetic change over time (informed by current herd genetics and potential source herd genetics) using up to ten distinct management scenarios and up to six putative source herds for gene flow to augment the herd.

    Funding Source: National Park Service

    Funding Amount: $70,000 – $80,000

    Deadline: February 20, 2025, 6:00 PM ET

    For more information see the Request for Statement of Interest and Budget Template

  • A global synthesis of flood impacts: Understanding the country-level vulnerability and causes

    This research will conduct the first comprehensive synthesis of how flood impacts vary globally across different demographics and as a function of flood risk exposure and protection levels. Data will be gathered to assemble an aggregated global flood impact database, which will be used to develop a sector-specific definitional framework of floods and synthesize how impacts and risks vary across different sectors (e.g., urban, transportation, agriculture, power systems) and demographics (e.g., poverty, race, and human development) and investment in flood protection.

    Funding Source: United States Geological Survey

    Funding Amount: $100,000

    Deadline: February 17, 2025

    For more information see the grant opportunity

  • Graduate Student Fellowships in Rocky Mountain National Park

    Rocky Mountain National Park and Rocky Mountain Conservancy are currently accepting applications for the 2025 Bailey Research Fellowship. The Bailey Research Fellowship provides opportunities for highly qualified graduate students to conduct research in the park and communicate their work to the public.

    The fellowship provides park housing, a living stipend, and support for research supplies and conference attendance. The goal of the fellowship is to support graduate student research that aids in park management and decision making.

    Funding Source: National Park Service

    Funding Amount: Up to $15,000 plus housing for each fellow

    Deadline: February 16, 2025

    For more information see Bailey Research Fellowship

  • Prepare National Historic Landmark Nomination(s) Associated with African American Civil Rights in California

    The National Park Service (NPS) is seeking the assistance of principal investigator(s) for a project to nominate a property (site, building, structure, object or district) as a National Historic Landmark (NHL) related to African American civil rights history. Until recently, much of the history about the Western United States focused primarily on Westward Expansion, prioritizing European American settler colonialism, and tended to marginalize or exclude minority communities, including those of African Americans. There is a growing body of scholarship on the role and importance of African Americans in the West. Concurrently, there have been efforts to address the underrepresentation of historic properties associated with African American history that are listed on the National Register of Historic Places or Designated as National Historic Landmarks. People of African descent formed vibrant and active communities with life experiences that included, perseverance, self‐determination, racial discrimination and the overall fight for civil rights. There are important places that represent this history. This Request for Letters of Interest is intended to seek assistance of CESU members to prepare a NHL nomination for a property that will synthesize, analyze and summarize multiple sources of information associated with a historic property located in California that is associated with nationally significant historic events and people, within the context of African American civil rights.

    Funding Source: National Park Service

    Funding Amount: Up to $43,770

    Deadline: February 28, 2025, by 5 PM Pacific

    For more information see the Request for Letters of Interest