Vegetation Management for Natural Resources Branch, Fort Drum, NY

Statements of Interest requested to provide the necessary personnel, vehicles, equipment, and materials required to conduct vegetation management for undesirable species for the Fort Drum Natural Resources Branch/Environmental Division located at Fort Drum, NY. The scope of this agreement includes supporting the Fort Drum program manager (PM) by providing technical support for execution of the Installations current invasive species management program effort that includes floral identification and surveys; managing primarily invasive and noxious plant species including with the use of herbicides; and developing, testing and analyzing the effectiveness of treatment options. This work requires onsite support personnel located at Fort Drum, NY.

Award Amount: $234,154 for base year (twelve months from award date). Additional funding may be available to the successful recipient for optional tasks and/or follow on work in subsequent years.

Statements of Interest Due: 2:00 P.M., Central Time, on 30 January 2025

Preparation of your Statement of Interest:

Provide the following (Maximum length: 2 pages, single-spaced, 12 pt. font):
1. Name, Organization, CAGE Code, Unique Entity ID, CESU Region, and Contac Information (Email)
2. Brief Statement of Qualifications (including): a. Biographical sketch of the Principal Investigator, to include specific experience and capabilities in areas related to this project’s requirements; b. Relevant past projects and clients with brief descriptions of these projects; c. Staff, faculty or students available to work on this project and their areas of expertise; d. Brief description of other capabilities to successfully complete the project: (e.g. equipment, laboratory facilities, greenhouse facilities, field facilities, etc.).

Submit Statement of Interest to:

Sandy Justman
Grants Specialist, USACE, Fort Worth District

Chanley Jenkins
Project Manager, USACE, Fort Worth District
Office: 918-671-9132

Find more information in the attached RSOI.

Position: Plant Ecologist, Tribal Coastal Restoration

Purpose: The Bureau of Indian Affairs’ Branch of Tribal Climate Resilience (TCR) is excited to announce a Request for Statements of Interest (RSOI) to coordinate with a Plant Ecologist on Tribal coastal restoration. The Plant Ecologist position will be funded by TCR through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law’s Ecosystem Restoration Program to assess the botanical/native seed and plant materials needs, and to provide technical support for Tribes who are relocating, retreating, expanding, or utilizing protect-in-place measures to address climate-induced erosion and similar impacts.

Submission Deadline: Friday, January 31st, 7:59 pm Alaska Daylight Time / 11:59 pm Eastern Daylight Time

Eligibility: All CESU Partnering Institutions and Organizations – please fwd to your complete list of Regional CESU Partners

Please see the attached RSOI, Position Description, and Statement of Work for more information. Please reach out to both Alyssa Morris ( and John Mosley (, who are copied on this email, for any questions and to submit Statements of Interest.

From Fawns to Bucks: The Science of Deer Counting

From August to October in 2020 and 2021, Dr. H. Bryan Underwood of USGS Eastern Ecological Science Center and Dr. Donald Leopold of SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry studied white-tailed deer in the fertile forests of Delaware. Their goal was to develop a cost-effective and efficient method for estimating deer populations without disrupting park staff. With the help of two graduate students, the researchers explored various existing deer counting methods to estimate the populations in both the First State National Historical Park and the adjacent Brandywine Creek State Park.

The professors conducted their study using two different field methods simultaneously. One approach involved distance sampling, which required two spotters per vehicle along various accessible roads, while the other utilized a total of sixteen baited and unbaited infrared cameras in areas unreachable by distance sampling. Underwood and Leopold decided that “placing bait, corn weighing just shy about twenty-three kilograms in a V pattern roughly five meters apart from the camera, would be the best way to attract as many deer as possible.” Bait was replenished and resulting data collected weekly, and each year, when  October arrived, the cameras were removed from the parks. 

One of the professors’ analyses involved sorting images by gender and age group and assigning a species label to create a unique identity for each male based on the number of antler points. These data were used to estimate the deer population with two ratio estimation approaches (Jacobson’s method and Bowden’s estimator). To eliminate overlapping data, the cameras captured loitering deer in bursts of photos separated by three minute intervals in 2020 then extended to five minute intervals in 2021. When questioned about the most noteworthy discovery Underwood stated, the most interesting, but perhaps not surprising, finding was that counts conducted from roads (as opposed to off-road using trail cameras) almost always produced lower estimates of abundance. Underwood also discussed critical facts about climate change and its impact on deer populations in the Northeast. He observed that while harsh winters can reduce deer mortality rates, exposure to novel infections, such as Epizootic Hemorrhagic Disease virus (EHD), could significantly increase deer deaths. At smaller protected areas like First State National Historical Park, budget constraints often limit staffing for deer population surveys. The professors aimed to identify an effective and economical method for estimating deer populations without overburdening staff.

Furthermore, projects like this offer valuable research experiences for graduate students, exposing them to real-world challenges and fostering collaboration with agency personnel. Such opportunities help students discover their professional paths. By leveraging their existing skills, they enhanced the research project’s value, transforming a seemingly routine inquiry into something more impactful.

Above shows a photo from September 16, 2020 taken on one of the infrared cameras.
This photo is from September 13, 2020 taken on an infrared camera.
The photo features, from left to right, Sonja Werth Bookout, the natural resource manager for the National Parks Service; a graduate student in the center, Madison Hand; and Dr. H. Brian Underwood, one of the project leads, on the right.

Compiled and written by Shanea Togninalli, NAC CESU Student Assistant at the University of Rhode Island.

Assistant or Associate Research Scientist at UMCES

The University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science (UMCES) is seeking a Coordinator for the Chesapeake Global Collaboratory (CGC), who will be the point-of-contact for the Collaboratory throughout UMCES, and for external interactions with other University System of Maryland universities, government and nongovernmental groups, and other stakeholders.

The coordinator will provide scientific coordination for the CGC and also be responsible for the operations of CGC related to providing scientific support services to faculty. Scientific coordination includes: (1) organizing CGC activities (e.g., training, workshops, newsletter) to maximize the impact and efficiency of the CGC, (2) assisting in team building for specific projects that use the CGC, (3) assisting and, as appropriate, leading proposal preparations (Federal, state, foundations) that involve the CGC, and (4) participate in activities raising awareness within UMCES and to outside organizations about the services offered by the CGC. There will also be opportunities for the coordinator to engage in active research as part of CGC projects. Overseeing operations includes working as part of a team on scheduling, project management, and logistics of CGC activities and ensuring smooth and responsive daily operations of the CGC scientific enterprise. The coordinator will work closely with the CGC advisory committees, faculty, and UMCES administration. The coordinator will work with the personnel responsible for the new building but will not be responsible for the operations or personnel of the building.

Specific responsibilities include:

  • Managing CGC projects
  • Supporting Faculty Steering Committee and External Advisory groups
  • Coordinating the convening summits, workshops, and meetings
  • Preparing CGC communications for UMCES and external audiences
  • Representing the CGC at meetings
  • Participating in proposals that involve CGC activities

FTE: 1.00
Unit: Center Administration
Location: Annapolis, MD
Job Category Status: Faculty

FLSA: Exempt
Salary Range: $75,000 – $110,000

For more information or to apply, visit: