Develop a Species Management Strategy for the Anastasia Island Beach Mouse at Fort Matanzas National Monument, Florida

The Anastasia Island beach mouse (AIBM) (Peromyscus polionotus phasma) is a subspecies of oldfield mouse. It is currently found only on Anastasia Island, a 14-mile long barrier island in Florida. Its population is largely relegated to two remaining natural preserves – Anastasia State Park at the north end of the island, and Fort Matanzas National Monument (FMNM) at the southern end. Both parks preserve remnants of coastal sand dune ecosystems, the primary habitat required by AIBM. Due to its highly restricted range and vulnerability to hurricanes and coastal development, the subspecies is listed as endangered by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. This project will assess the current condition and extent of potential AIBM habitat at FMNM, and develop a species management strategy for AIBM that will include short and long-term management actions that can be implemented and sustained by park staff without causing unacceptable impacts to other park resources.

Funding Source: National Park Service

Funding Amount: $100,000

Deadline: September 30, 2024

For more information see the Request for Letters of Interest

Inventory reptile and amphibian species present at Minute Man National Historical Park (MIMA), Morristown National Historical Park (MORR) and Saugus Iron Works National Historic Site (SAIR)

Minute Man National Historical Park (MIMA), Morristown National Historical Park (MORR) and Saugus Iron Works National Historic Site (SAIR) need an inventory of reptile and amphibian species of interest to document current reptile and amphibian population status within the parks. This inventory is needed to inform invasive species management, restoration/dredging and trail maintenance management actions at the parks.  Rare species have been noted in two of the parks (MIMA and MORR).

Funding Source: National Park Service

Funding Amount: $190,000

Deadline: September 6, 2024

For more information see the RSOI

Inventory smelt at Saugus Iron Works National Historic Site to Inform Consultation Prior to Dredging

Saugus Iron Works National Historic Site (SAIR) needs an inventory of smelt and other fish species of interest to document current fish population status in the Saugus River within the park and evaluate use of known rainbow smelt spawning habitat. Comparison of current populations and habitat use to a previous study in the Turning Basin (2007) is desired. This inventory is a requirement for consultation with the Massachusetts Division of Fish and Wildlife and for NEPA compliance as the park prepares to dredge contaminated sediment from the Turning Basin.

Funding Source: National Park Service

Funding Amount: $50,000

Deadline: September 6, 2024

For more information see the RSOI

Ecological Society of America Science Communication in the Parks Fellowships

The Ecological Society of America (ESA) is pleased to announce the Call for Applications for the inaugural Science Communication in the Parks (SCIP) Fellowships.  SCIP will support six (6) ESA SciComm Fellows each year in cooperation with the National Park Service to implement the strategic communications goals of the Northeastern National Parks.  This project is made possible with a grant from the National Park Service through the Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Units (CESU) program. 

Applications are due August 12, 2024


  • Receive a $3000 stipend
  • Collaborative product design experience
  • Professional development in SciComm
  • Support from a SciComm professional
  • Access to NPS personnel for in-depth perspective of science in the national parks

We welcome applications from students and early career professionals who are ESA members. To be responsive to the CESU DEIA principles, the membership requirement is waived for people who are affiliated with Minority-Serving Institutions within the CESU national network. For full details and criteria, please visit or contact   

Collecting Fisheries Ecological Knowledge (FEK) for Use in Gulf of Maine Offshore Wind

Project: Fisher’s Ecological Knowledge (FEK) provides a rich and untapped source of information that can be used to inform BOEM’s decisions regarding offshore wind; however, FEK has been vastly underutilized. The objective of this study is to collect FEK to improve BOEM’s understanding of the use of the Gulf of Maine for fishing and the importance of fishing to the regional economy. BOEM will partner with the Responsible Offshore Science Alliance, and potentially with other interested organizations, to conduct this study.This study will identify local fishing communities willing to provide FEK and conduct interviews and workshops to collect the information. Importantly, the study will establish and execute clear methods for documenting, validating, and analyzing FEK. Collected data will be synthesized in an acceptable format (i.e., GIS and report documentation) to ensure the information can be incorporated into planning and resource management decisions.Additional planned tasks to be completed as part of the study include participatory mapping of fishing grounds, providing user guidance on spatial data tools like Marine Cadastre and the regional ocean portals, and providing regular updates to fishers regarding the spatial planning process and data needs in the Gulf of Maine. This effort must consider data confidentiality to ensure that fishing community information collected for this study are not misused. Such measures will be very important to instill confidence among fishers to accurately collect FEK.

Funding Source: Bureau of Ocean Energy Management

Funding Amount: $350,000 – $400,000

Deadline for Response: August 10, 2024

Additional Information: Eligible institutions are limited to state academic institutions and nonprofit organizations adjacent to current project areas along the U.S. Atlantic coast from Maine to Massachusetts. For complete information, see posting on

Marine Species Density Data Gap Assessments and Update for the AFTT Study Area

Responses to this Request for Statements of Interest will be used to identify potential investigators for a project to be funded by the United States (U.S.) Department of the Navy (DoN) Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command Atlantic (NAVFAC LANT). NAVFAC LANT seeks to develop updated spatially explicit, density data layers1 for marine mammals that occur throughout the Navy’s Atlantic Fleet Training and Testing (AFTT) Study Sea. The authority for this Cooperative Agreement is 16 USC §670c-1 (Sikes Act).

Funding Source: U.S. Department of Defense
Deadline: July 11, 2024
For more information see the RSOI and the Project Description

Additional information provided on July 1:
We’ve been asked to provide you with the following responses regarding some questions about this RSOI. Please distribute it to the people you circulated this RSOI to. Note in particular the increased page limit.

Question: Would you please clarify the page limit for us? Does the 7-page limit include the cover page, the statement of credentials, and the cost estimate (budget justification), or does it only apply to the statement of work?

Answer: A cover page is not required. The submission should include the 5 items listed under “Materials Requested for Statement of Interest/Qualifications.” We have re-evaluated the page limit and have increased the maximum page limit to 25.

Question: I could also use your guidance on the request for a statement of safety practices/procedures. Our proposal is a desktop data analysis project, and involves no field work.

Answer: Please provide a statement of the safety practices/procedures used – if there are no safety practices/procedures, please briefly explain why the project didn’t have safety practices/procedures.

The potential base and option year funding ranges are:

  • Base year = range: $295,705 – $361,417
  • Option Year 1 = range: $291,420 – $356,180
  • Option Year 2 = range: $367,799 – $449,533
  • Option Year 3 = range: $362,546 – $443,112
  • Option Year 4 = range: $555,531 – $678,983

Evaluating the Bioaccessibility of Lead and Other Elements in Contaminated Soils from Variety of Environments

The US Geological Survey is offering a funding opportunity to a CESU partner for research in biogeochemistry to evaluate the bioaccessibility of lead and other elements in contaminated soils from variety of environments.

Research Objectives:

1) Evaluate the use of an established in vitro method for lead bioaccessibility (EPA method 1340) for assessing the biogeochemistry of lead and other elements in contaminated soils.
2) Analyze soil samples for lead bioaccessibility from a variety of contaminant sources including battery recycling facilities, shooting ranges, lead paint, and legacy emissions from vehicles that used leaded gasoline prior to 1990. Approximately 150 soil samples (50 samples in three size fractions) will be available for testing.
3) Analyze other elements (Al, As, Bi, Ca, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Mg, Sb, Sn, and Zn) in extractions from in vitro testing to evaluate discrimination between contaminant sources using element ratios.
4) Collaborate on interpretive reports including data on the bioaccessibility of Pb and other elements in contaminated soils, and similar areas of investigation.

Award Information: It is anticipated that one award will be made with one base year and one renewal year. The total estimated funding for this project is $33,100.  Funding in the amount of $22,000 is estimated to be available for Fiscal Year 2024. Additional funding in the amount of $11,100 is estimated to be available for Fiscal Year 2025. Additional funding may be available, based upon satisfactory progress.

Funding Source: Department of the Interior, U.S.G.S.

Deadline: July 15, 2024, 5pm ET

For more information see the posting on

Social Network Analysis of the Environmental Justice and Climate Justice Community Active in Climate Adaptation and Conservation

The funding opportunity is being offered to develop and test a methodology for conducting social network analyses nationally and at each regional Climate Adaptation Science Center (CASC) in order to identify organizations engaging in environmental justice and climate justice work that might overlap with CASC efforts. The recipient will develop the methodology for a social network analysis to identify, map and measure relationship patterns. The recipient will then apply the methodology in a national analysis for NCASC and a minimum of two Regional CASC analyses.

Funding Source: U.S. Geological Survey
Closing Date for Applications: Aug 09, 2024 Electronically submitted applications must be submitted no later than 5:00 p.m., ET, on the listed application due date.
For more information see the listing on

2024 SPSD Collaborative Soil Survey Research

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)’s Natural Resources Conservation Service Soil and Plant Science Division (NRCS SPSD), is announcing the potential availability of funding for agreements for the purposes of supporting cooperative research in soil science and soil survey. The purpose of the 2024 Soil Survey Cooperative Research Proposals is to promote research that informs and improves soil survey. Each proposal must include significant collaboration with soil survey personnel (such as those at the National Soil Survey Center, MLRA Soil Survey or Regional offices). The proposal’s deliverables and their connection to soil survey must be clearly explained. Extra consideration will be given to proposals that include Dynamic Soil Survey research support, with close collaboration with National Soil Survey Center Research Soil Scientists. The work should have national or broad regional application to fill gaps in soil survey databases, provide new approaches to collecting or interpreting soil survey data, and/or address emerging issues in the national research priority areas.

Funding Source: U.S. Department of Agriculture
Closing Date for Applications: July 08, 2024 Applications must be received by 11:59 pm Eastern Time.
Limited to institutions of higher education in the Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU) network
For more information see the listing on

Free Black Communities in the Shenandoah Valley Special History Study

The National Park Service (NPS), through Cedar Creek and Belle Grove National Historical Park and the Interior Region 1 (IR-1), North Atlantic-Appalachian History and Preservation Assistance Office, requires the performance of research and writing of a Special History Study about free Black communities in the Shenandoah Valley in the years immediately preceding the Civil War and into the Reconstruction Era.

Deadline: Deadline for responding to this letter of interest is Wednesday, May 8, 2024.
Funding: Available funds will support a project up to $65,000 (including indirect costs)
For more information see the Request for Letters of Interest and the Scope of Work.
Additional Documents: Budget Worksheet (Excel)