Harvard residential Houses and the Weeks Bridge create a backdrop for scullers on the Charles River. Image credit: Rose Lincoln/Harvard file photo.

Established in 1636, Harvard is the oldest institution of higher education in the United States. Harvard University is devoted to excellence in teaching, learning, and research, and to developing leaders in many disciplines who make a difference globally. With an enduring dedication to the pursuit of excellence, Harvard University offers unparalleled student experiences across a broad spectrum of academic environments. The University, which is based in Cambridge and Boston, Massachusetts, has an enrollment of over 20,000 degree candidates, including undergraduate, graduate, and professional students. Harvard has more than 360,000 alumni around the world. Harvard joined the NAC CESU in 2013.

Harvard University offers the following areas of expertise.


Technical Representatives

Brian Farrell

Museum of Comparative Zoology


Last Updated: July 24, 2019