Kelly Aho, a Ph.D. candidate at the Yale School of the Environment, collects samples from a river in Connecticut. While concentrations of greenhouse gases tend to be higher in wetland streams than in forested streams, those flatter, calmer waters are less likely to release those gases into the atmosphere. Image Credit: Kelly Aho/Yale University.

Since its founding in 1701, Yale has been dedicated to expanding and sharing knowledge, inspiring innovation, and preserving cultural and scientific information for future generations. Yale’s reach is both local and international. It partners with its hometown of New Haven, Connecticut to strengthen the city’s community and economy. It engages with people and institutions across the globe in the quest to promote cultural understanding, improve the human condition, delve more deeply into the secrets of the universe, and train the next generation of world leaders.

Yale University offers the following areas of expertise.


Technical Representatives

William Lauenroth

Professor in the Practice, Yale School of the Environment

Last Updated: September 4, 2020

Administrative Contacts

Gai Doran

Last Updated: June 28, 2021